Mill Hill Historic Park

There are many historical sites and landmarks to explore in Norwalk, Connecticut, a city rich in history. One of the most notable is the 6-acre Mill Hill Historic Park, which is home to some of the oldest and most significant structures in the city. The park was established in the 17th century, and it is situated along the Norwalk River.


For the purpose of preserving and honoring the city’s colonial past, the Mill Hill Historic Park was founded in 1971. A number of historic structures, including the 1835 Town House, the 1826 Governor Fitch Law Office, the 1790 Downtown District Schoolhouse, and the 1826 Mill Hill Schoolhouse, can be found in the park. A cemetery is also a part of the park, and it serves as the final resting place for some of Norwalk’s most illustrious residents.


Mill Hill Historic Park’s focal point is the 1835 Town House. This lovely structure, which is now used for community events and gatherings, was the town hall until the late 19th century. With its symmetrical facade, pedimented gable, and classical columns, the Town House is an outstanding illustration of Greek Revival architecture. The hand-carved wooden staircase and the town clerk’s office, which still has its original safe, are among the original elements that can be seen inside.


Another intriguing structure in the park is the Governor Fitch Law Office. It was created in 1826 and was first situated on Wall Street where Thomas Fitch, a former governor of Connecticut, had his law office. Visitors can view the original law books and furnishings that Fitch and his successors used in the building, which has undergone a beautiful restoration.


One of the park’s oldest structures is the 1790 Downtown District Schoolhouse. Up until the middle of the 19th century, it served as a school and has since been returned to its original state. In addition to learning about the colonial American educational system, visitors can see the original desks and blackboard.


Another historic structure in the park is the 1826-built Mill Hill Schoolhouse. Up until the middle of the 19th century, this one-room schoolhouse taught the local kids. Visitors can now observe how children were educated in the 1800s, complete with period-appropriate desks and a wood stove for heating.


Many of Norwalk’s original settlers are interred in the cemetery that is part of the park. The graves of Captain Stephen Raymond, a Revolutionary War veteran, and Samuel Grumman, the man who constructed the first house in Norwalk, are located in the cemetery.


A guided tour of the park’s structures is available to visitors who want to learn more about Norwalk’s past. Concerts, art exhibits, and historical reenactments are just a few of the events held at the park throughout the year.


The annual Lantern Light Tour, which happens in October, is one of the park’s most well-liked activities. Visitors are guided through the park during this event by masked guides who share historical tales about Norwalk. The tour comes to a close with a candlelit trip to the cemetery, where guests can learn about some of Norwalk’s most famous residents.


Anyone who is interested in the history of Norwalk must visit the Mill Hill Historic Park. The buildings and cemetery in the park offer a look into the city’s past, and its activities and tours are a great way to learn more about the region. The Mill Hill Historic Park is a must-see for anyone interested in history or simply looking for an entertaining and educational activity.

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